Detailing the treatment of gaps between detector modules in a Multi-Mythen arrangement.
Detailing the treatment of gaps between detector modules in a Multi-Mythen arrangement.
Dr. Peng Guo at DICP China, shares some of the highlights of the advances made with the STOE STADI P.
At the 12.2.2. beam line at the ALS synchrotron a STOE STADIVARI was set up in vertical orientation for the first time. Its ability to carry heavy loads
Introduction to the STOE SPHERES program including walking through an example.
Jens Richter interviews Silvain Berès on his experiences with the first STOE single crystal facility in Mexico three years after the installation.
An introduction to the new AXO Primux Microfocus Sources highlighting the changes and improvements.
For the first time the STOE STADIVARI has been combined with a MetalJet source. This instrumental combination allowed Dr. Neuburger from the University Basel to solve crystallographic problems which were unsolvable before.
An application note explaining why data from transmission measurements will always be superior to data from reflection measurements as long as samples are available in powder form.
Appnote on how to decrease the internal step width and therewith increasing the number of data points in a powder measurement.