In early March 2023, we were out on a secret mission to witness the recording of a TV documentary: „Die Sendung mit der Maus“ is an educational show on German TV which has been running weekly since 1971. It features fun stories (Lachgeschichten) as well as educational stories (Sachgeschichten) which taught us what happens to waste water, how batteries are recycled and much more. From one of their recent videos about climate change, the question arose how one can know the shape of CO2, leading to a film about X-ray diffraction. 

We are beyond happy that „The Mouse“ decided to measure on a STOE instrument and we are grateful to Dr. Luca Carella and Dr. Dieter Schollmeyer of the University of Mainz who immediately were as fascinated by this idea as we were.

This Mouse episode aired on Sunday, January 7th, 2024 in ARD and KiKa (German TV channels) and is now available on their website.