The STOE User Meeting 2024 kicked off on Thursday September 5th with a highlight right after the introductions: the presentation of the new Beam Optimization 2.0 for STOE STADI P instruments. This hardware and software feature makes your STOE STADI P alignment fully automatic, delivering excellent data quality in just a few clicks. It will be available for new instruments and as an upgrade kit for existing STADI P’s. Currently it is limited to horizontal setups with future availability planned.
Marcel Wetegrove followed with an intriguing presentation about his research into the high-temperature behavior of high-entropy alloys, and the first session concluded with a preview of the new STOE X-View 3.0 program by Sergei Tumanov.
Reinvigorated after a relaxed lunch, we reconvened in the seminar room to learn with Julius Hållstedt about the generation of X-rays and X-ray beams useful for XRD measurements. Next, Paolo Celani gave a theoretical introduction to Integrate3D, which was followed by Florian Kleemiß’s captivating first-hand account of field tests using our new Integrate3D software. The remarkable results sparked engaging discussions that continued throughout the entire User Meeting.
Thursday’s talks were followed by the popular Discover STOE session, where participants had the opportunity to visit STOE’s laboratories, explore the manufacturing workshops, and attend software demonstration sessions. The laboratories were buzzing with activity, as participants eagerly engaged with our application scientists, asking insightful questions.
As if the day couldn’t end on a better note, the weather was perfect, allowing us to enjoy STOE’s traditional outdoor barbecue after a full day of stimulating activities.

Friday began with a presentation by STOEs newest team member, Robert Hühn, sharing his scientific background with the audience. The remainder of the morning featured various intriguing reports on in-situ and in-operando powder diffraction. Helen Grüninger followed Robert Hühn’s talk describing her in-situ set up where she incorporated a portable solar simulator into her STADI P to investigate the phase segregation in solar cell perovskites. Jonas Jacobs then explained how he conducted in-situ fluorination reactions of perovskites in an HT1 furnace connected to a mass spectrometer, to understand the respective reaction pathways. Yanchen Liu concluded the early morning session with a presentation on reflection in-operando measurements of batteries in a custom-built cell on a STADI MP.
Following the coffee break, Alexander Mistonov reported on his first experiences using the STADI P. As the final speaker, Sebastian Bette continued the splendid work from last year’s talk by Anastasiia Sleptsova, showing in-situ investigations of gas sorption into MOFs at variable temperatures and gas pressures.
Sadly, this marked the conclusion of the 2024 STOE User Meeting, leaving us eagerly looking forward to next year!