Lower Data Point Increment in STOE Powder Data
Appnote on how to decrease the internal step width and therewith increasing the number of data points in a powder measurement.
Appnote on how to decrease the internal step width and therewith increasing the number of data points in a powder measurement.
A quick introduction video to Search / Match 2.
Detailed explanation of the origin of the powder diffraction pattern, how effects like particle size and strain affect the pattern and impact of different variables on the peak shape function.
54 min.
How to run powder diffraction experiments on a STOE STADIVARI and how this can help measure unmeasurable crystallites.
25 min.
Topochemical fluorination of La2NiO4 with PVDF and powder diffraction high temperature in-situ studies of the product.
25 min.
Detailed tutorial on how to prepare powder samples for tranmission, capillary and insitu HT2 measurements.
50 min.
Dr. Malliakas shows with examples from his own research what modern diffractometers can do, which was only possible at a Synchrotron before.
54 min.
Crystal engineering of pigments for conservation and cultural heritage.
47 min.
In situ PXRD at variable temperatures to investigate polymorphs in Levofloxacin.
55 min.
Crystal engineering of urates and other purines to foster the understanding of gout as an illness and its treatment.
46 min.